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Past Collections


Painters collection

A range of fine jewelry inspired by the textures of brushstrokes in art movements the wearer can feel instead of being admired from afar in museums. This collection of rings and more each possess a different style of painting. One might identify a semblance of the masters' strokes in each piece and get close to the shadows of Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso and other artists.

When seen from a painting’s profile the viewer might notice an uneven surface of bumps and elongated streaks of paint. This brings a third dimensionality to the two-dimensional plane and a sense of tactility along with it. In essence, creating a physical connection with art.



The Lunar X and Lunar Y are a series of four South Sea pearl necklaces inspired by the changing phases of the lunar eclipse. Black and white pearls are eclipsed by a dome of sterling silver and “X” “Y” connote the axes on which they rotate. A ring of darkness surrounding the pearl illustrates the moon suspended in deep space and intensifies the pearl’s natural luster.



The debut collection of YE jewelry, Universe is about bringing our existence as humans into perspective. In this collection, elements of space and the solar system are design tropes that appear subtly throughout the pieces. Recognizable shapes in association to astronomy are pared down to simple geometry. The idea is to have two different people being able to wear the same universal design in appreciation of its form. 
